GinAdmin Blog

Welcome to the GinAdmin Blog where we share tips for small business owners and entrepreneurs as well as working with a Freelance Admin!

Social Media Success Tips for Small Businesses

Small business social media can increase your online presence and drive growth. Here are some tips to help!

Flawed to Fabulous: Using Imperfections to Fuel Small Business Success

Discover how small business owners can turn imperfections into strengths with practical tips for overcoming perfectionist tendencies.

Why Every Small Business Needs a Killer Social Media Strategy

A tailored social media strategy makes your small business stand out online. Here’s why that’s so important!

Self-Care Tips for Busy Small Business Owners

Tips to integrate self-care and wellness into your daily routine to boost your small business’ productivity and your own well-being.

Why Your Small Business Absolutely Needs to Start Blogging

If you've been on the proverbial fence about starting a blog for your small business, it's time to jump off that fence and do it! Blogging might seem like an extra task on your already long to-do list, but trust me, it’s a game changer for any business looking to grow...

Get Seen, Get Clicked: Smart Social Media Strategies for Business Growth

As a business owner, you know somewhere in a conversation with a new acquaintance, they are going to ask, “So what do you do?” And we all have our “elevator pitch” as they are known by. When I give mine, which is: I give business owners freedom by turning their social...

Change Your Reaction, Change Your Life

Change. It happens around us. Every. Day. The tide ebbs and flows. The weather changes from season to season. Even the people in our lives. What I’ve learned over the past couple of years is how you react to it. Some change sucks. But some change is good. Change Can...

Nail that Productivity Game: 5 Fun Hacks to Get Stuff Done When You’re Just Not Feeling It!

If working makes you feel like a pinball in a machine, here are some ways to increase your productivity and get stuff done!

Life’s Not a To-Do List: Live Your Dash with Purpose and Passion

Life isn’t a to-do list. Learn to live your dash with purpose and passion. Get up, get out and enjoy this thing called life. We only get one!

5 Ways to Tame the Social Media Content Creation Beast

Is your social media content creation a beast in your business that needs tamed? Here are 5 ways to do just that!

Self-Care: The Art of Putting Yourself First

I’ve written this self-care article as a reminder to myself to give myself a break!

7 Tips for Focusing on Achieving Your Business Goals This Year

Are you struggling to achieve your business goals? Follow these 7 steps to help you focus on achieving your business goals.

Finding the Perfect Balance During the Holidays

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, sometimes it is hard to find the time to just stop and let yourself recharge.

7 Essential Steps to Prepare for an Amazing New Year

Before the holidays come around, now is the time to start preparing yourself, and your business for the new year!

Boost Your Small Business Productivity: Discover the Power of Outsourcing

Imagine having someone to take care of all those time-consuming administrative tasks, freeing up your busy time. Learn more about working with a Freelance Admin in this article.

Should your small business hire an employee or a Freelance Admin?  

You KNOW you need help, but should you hire an employee or a Freelance Admin for your small business?

8 Time Management Tips for Busy Small Business Owners

Are you struggling to keep up with everything? Do you feel like you’re always running behind schedule? I’ve share some time management tips for busy small business owners in this article.

How Outsourcing Tasks to a Freelance Admin Can Help Your Small Business

Overwhelmed with administrative tasks? Find out how outsourcing to a Freelance Admin can help your small business grow and achieve your goals

How to Overcome Being a Perfectionist

Are YOU a perfectionist? Find out, and how to overcome those perfectionist traits in this article!

Live. Laugh. Love.

I'm updating this post to thank every single one of you for your support, thoughts, prayers, calls, visits...however you supported us. Thank you. I cannot say it enough. Those who do not know, we lost Alex earlier this year. His body simply got to a point that it was...

How tapping into freelance talent can save your small business money

Wondering if hiring a freelancer is right for you? Find out how tapping into freelance talent can save your small business money!

How to Boost Your Productivity with Daily Routines

7 ways to boost productivity with daily routines for small business owners and entrepreneurs.

5 Ways to Streamline Your Daily Schedule and Increase Efficiency When Working from Home

5 Ways to Streamline Your Daily Schedule and Increase Efficiency When Working from Home.

10 Habits to Help Improve Mindset

Mindset is a better predictor of future success than every other factor you can consider, including working hard and natural talent. Learn more about changing yours!

The 6 Myths of Working with a Freelance Admin

While Freelancing is becoming more popular, especially in today’s almost-post pandemic world, there are still some myths out there about working with a Freelance Admin. Today, I am sharing my thoughts behind the six most common myths that I have come across. Welcome...