While Freelancing is becoming more popular, especially in today’s almost-post pandemic world, there are still some myths out there about working with a Freelance Admin.

Today, I am sharing my thoughts behind the six most common myths that I have come across.

Welcome back to GinAdmin! I’m Gina Koran and as always, I will be your “hostess with the mostest” coffee! Thanks for coming along on my coffee-fueled journey…let’s jump right into those myths!

Freelancers are only good for one-off projects.

Yes. You certainly can hire a Freelancer for a one-off project, IF that is what you’re looking for.

However, most people who work with a Freelance Admin find that they have knowledge in so many areas that they can turn over more than just a one-time project.

OR, they can use a Freelancer when they DO have a single project that they need help with.

What most business owners find is that by turning over not just everyday tasks, they free up time and energy by hiring a Freelance Admin!

Within the next decade freelance workers will outnumber traditional salaried employees., Adam Heitzman, Co-Founder, Higher Visibility


Freelancers are just for busy-work

Okay, sure you can pass on that busy work to your Freelancer. But typically, Freelancers have such a wide knowledge base that you will find that, again you can also pass on other, bigger tasks to your Freelance Admin to put some time back into your schedule!

I’m sensing a trend here! (wink)

Freelancers aren’t skilled, otherwise they’d be working a “job” for a big company

Most Freelance Admins come from some type of “corporate” background.

Having been a corporate admin for (way too) many years, I can tell you that having a “job” for a big company is not so much something I want to go back to. I find much more satisfaction in working independently with companies I choose to work with, especially small business owners.  

Why small business owners? Thanks for asking! I love working with small business owners because they are still intimately involved in the daily running of their business. They are still in the trenches, so to speak. They are still passionate about their business.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean to sound as if I am speaking poorly of large corporations. It’s just that having been in that world, I simply and personally enjoy and prefer working with small business owners.

On the skill side, Freelancing is so popular right now and there are so many places for Freelancers to gain knowledge that this is a big pile of myth nonsense. Plus, there are so many online communities for Freelancers, that the knowledge-base we have to draw on is truly impressive.

There are many myths of working with a Freelance Admin! Freelance Admins have great work ethic, skills and loyalty to their clients.

Freelancers lack true work ethic

The majority of the Freelancers I personally know work more hours every week than your average employee.

This comes not only from the fact that we take great pride in our work, but very likely – you are not our ONLY client, so we have to schedule our time to make sure we finish the work we’re given.

Plus, we know that if we don’t do the work we’re contracted to do, we can lose that contract. And that’s just bad business.

And because we ourselves are business owners, we tend to put forth the effort it takes to keep the trust of those who have hired us!

Freelancers aren’t employees, so they have no commitment/loyalty to the company

Again, those Freelancers I know take great pride in working with the business owners who put their trust in them to get the job done.

So I simply call hogwash on that myth.

Companies that encourage the use of freelancers will benefit from the increased access to skilled talent and more workforce flexibility, while those that ignore freelancers will inevitably fall behind.


As a small business owner, I can’t afford to hire a freelancer

This is probably one of the things I hear most from small business owners that I talk to. And yes, when you are first starting out on your business-ownership journey, hiring ANYONE can feel like a huge expense.

There are three major points I share with the small business owners that I approach about working with me.

First, you cannot do all of the things all of the time over a long period of time. You will burn yourself out and start to resent the very business you started. I have watched this happen to many small business owners.

And as a Freelancer, it is painful for me to see this happen when I KNOW I can help them. It is especially painful when they have previously said “No, thanks” when I offered my services.

The second point I make is that by hiring someone to do the background work, it frees them up to focus on building their business. Which is the goal, right? You want to BUILD.

Which feeds into my third point, and that is that once you have built your business with a solid foundation, eventually you’re going to need to hire SOMEONE. That someone is going to require benefits, supplies, office space, breaks, vacation time. All the things that go along with hiring employees.

Plus, that employee will not have first-hand knowledge of the background of your business.

When you hire a Freelance Admin, you are strictly paying for the work they are doing for you, so no benefits, etc. And by working with them when you are starting out, they have first-hand, working knowledge of how you want things done! There is no learning-curve by having to hire an admin later and take the time to walk them through every step.

By busting through the myths of working with a Freelance Admin, small business owners can gain some insight into how they can work smarter, not harder!

So when a small business owner tells me they cannot afford to hire a Freelance Admin, my question is: Can you really afford NOT to work with me?

And there you have it. One woman’s opinion on the 6 biggest myths of working with a Freelance Admin.

As always, thanks for stopping by! And I would love to hear from you – the good, the bad, the ugly – so  feel free to leave me a comment below. Or pop on over to www.ginadmin.com/contact and schedule a time for a chat!