Live. Laugh. Love.

Live. Laugh. Love.

Have you ever had an idea for how you wanted to perform a task, only to be forced to change it at the last minute?

That’s me today.

I had an awesome (if I do say so myself) topic for next week’s blog.

Then my world took a turn no one expects.

A turn we all pray never happens.

What happened?

Some of you may know we’ve been dealing with my husband not feeling well for the past several months.

After a couple of misdiagnoses, it turns out he has a cancerous tumor in his throat, very close to his vocal cords.

It’s not operable. Which means chemotherapy.

Within two weeks of diagnosis, he’s already doctor’d out. And he hasn’t even started treatment yet.


We are extremely fortunate that we have a massive support system surrounding us.

And an amazing team of doctors guiding us through the entire process.

Those of you who know me know that I try to always find the positive in things. Do I get cranky? Of course. I’m human.

So where’s the positive in this situation?

For us, it’s done two major things.

First, we are stronger as a couple and as a team.

And that’s saying something. Because before this diagnosis, had you tried to drive a wedge between us with a sledgehammer, you would NOT have succeeded.


Fahget about it, as my Boston friends would say.

Today, while I was sitting with him in recovery after his chemo port was put in, he apologized for messing up my day.

I told him he didn’t mess anything up. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be today.

Did I have client work to do?


But my clients are part of my support system and they’ve all been amazing about reschedules and some delays.

For which I am eternally grateful.

So, the second thing this has done for us is that it has given us a new perspective.

A new perspective on what’s important.

A new perspective on relationships.

A new perspective on family.

We’re both fortunate to be entrepreneurs. No clock to punch. No taking sick leave or PTO or whatever it’s called these days.

And we’re already talking about “after”.

Because of the location of the tumor, eating is a challenge for him.

So first, “after” for him personally is going to be a big, juicy cheeseburger.


Because eating is something we all take for granted. Until we can’t.

Beyond that, there are things we’ve wanted to do, but haven’t because of commitments.

Like what?

Things like travel.

Like activities. Fun things we’ve wanted to do, but haven’t.

There’s too much life to live out there.

Too many things we haven’t done.

Too many people we haven’t met.

So “after”, is looking like one big adventure.

And again, being entrepreneurs means we can work from anywhere.

And that’s the plan.

So what’s my message today?




Don’t put it off. Because you never know when you won’t be able to eat that cheeseburger.

Stay safe and healthy, my friends!

How tapping into freelance talent can save your small business money

How tapping into freelance talent can save your small business money

Tapping into freelance talent as a small business owner can save you and your small business money.

Not sure how? Or even if hiring a freelancer is the way to go for your small business?

Welcome back to GinAdmin. I am Gina Koran and I will be your host today. As always, I am grateful that you have a taken a few minutes of your valuable time to read my coffee-induced “wisdom”, as it were.

So today we are going to look at how tapping into the freelance talent out there can help save your small business money this year.

Go grab your favorite drink and let’s dive in…

Did you know…

70% of employers plan to use freelancers this year!

This is according to the 2022 Freelancing Trend in the USA survey conducted early this year.

Companies in many sectors are facing fast-moving challenges in this digital world, and they have to scale quickly in a way they may have not done before. That’s where hiring freelance talent comes in.

This number is amazing, and a great opportunity for small businesses.


Think about this…WHY are so many companies using freelancers?

Because there are so many freelancers out there!

About 70 million people in the U.S. freelance. With such a staggering statistic, it’s important for business leaders to start thinking about how to harness the immense talent available to them in the gig economy.

So how does this save you and your small business money?

Right now you are wondering what the benefits are to your small business in hiring a freelancer.

There are loads of reasons.

Today, I am going to outline a few of what I think are the top reason working with a freelancer can save your small business money.

Tapping into freelance talent can save your small business money by eliminating overhead expenses.


When I talk about overhead, I’m thinking about providing office space, desk space, any technology needed, office supplies…

All of the things a typical employee would require in order to do the job you have hired them for.

With freelancers, we provide our own, so no ordering all those supplies!

Including the all-important coffee!

Training expenses

Businesses spend millions every year training its employees.

In 2015, large companies spent an average $12.9 million on training. Small companies spent about $350,300, and midsize companies spent about $1.4 million.

Freelancers tend to be a constantly evolving breed.

We are always on the lookout for new technology, new training, new anything that we can use to add value to the small businesses we work with.

And because we may be working with several different small businesses, the training topics vary.

So, the training I do for one client may not be relevant to yours. Obviously, you wouldn’t want to or have to pay for that training!

But because I may have done training on a topic for another client, that may benefit you for a task you need accomplished for your business!

I simply write so much every year into my budget for training. And if I need to adjust that, I am perfectly fine with doing so.

My goal is to make sure that I have the skills I need to support my clients!

Remember, we are, ourselves, small business owners…so freelancers find and pay for our own training.

Employee benefits or company benefits

One of the biggest expenses for employers can be benefits.

And there are so many.

You’re looking at health insurance, paid vacation time, retirement plans…the list seems endless.

Especially for small business owners. Not to mention, you need those benefits for yourself!

When you hire a freelancer, we are responsible for providing these benefits for ourselves.

Because, again…we are also small business owners!

40-hour work week

This can be where some small business owners get caught up.

You think if you are hiring someone to do a job, do they not need to be there 40 hours per week?

And you absolutely can do that.

When you hire an employee, you get that 8-hour a day person.

You also take on all of the things we’re talking about here today.

I have talked about this before, but rarely do you have an employee who is working a full 8-hour day.

Tapping into freelance talent helps save your small business money by eliminating overtime pay, overhead and benefits.

You’ve got breaks, lunch and just some lag time between tasks.

Not to mention checking their social media.

When you hire a freelancer, you are only paying them for time they actually work.

Overtime pay

If you decide to go the employee route, and you have extra work that needs completed, what now?

Now you have a choice to make.

Either pay that person for the overtime.


Don’t. But that is going to lead to an unhappy employee, right?

Everyone wants to be paid for the time they put in.

By hiring a freelancer to work with you, you can establish with them the schedule and pay structure that is going to work best for you AND them!


I currently work with a couple clients that we structured our contract for so many hours per month.

When I get close to those hours, I let them know where we stand.

At that point, it is up to them whether I simply finish the tasks they have given me or we go over the allotted hours.

And we have it built into the contract what all of that entails.

Freelancers are a pretty flexible lot

We tend to work with our clients, making adjustments where needed, with the goal of making everybody happy.

And making your job easier.

All right. There you have my coffee-induced thoughts on how tapping into freelance talent can save your small business money.

Now I would love to hear your thoughts.

Do you have some other ideas or ways you can tap into the freelance talent out there?

Pop a comment below!

Or head over to my contact page and we can chat about how working with a freelancer may be right for your small business!

Until next time, stay safe my friends!

How to Boost Your Productivity with Daily Routines

How to Boost Your Productivity with Daily Routines

If you are like me, as a small business owner/entrepreneur, your daily routine is key to your productivity. Today, I am sharing 7 ways to help boost your productivity with daily routines.

Welcome back to GinAdmin. I’m your host, Gina Koran and as always, I’m pleased you chose to spend a few minutes of your busy day with me as I share my coffee-induced thoughts with you. So grab your cup…

Many of the things we do each day to reach our goals can be achieved by creating small routines or daily habits that you perform without even thinking about it each day.

By making your actions routine and, more importantly, a habit, you will find you get more done and not feel like you are always working.

Get Hydrated

Starting off the day hydrated will boost your energy and make it more likely that you get your tasks completed.

Staying hydrated keeps you focused and boosts productivity throughout the day.

Even yours truly, a self-proclaimed coffee addict, I start my day with at least one glass of water. And while I might joke that I drink that glass of water to clean my palate before I start my coffee IV, it is truly to get myself hydrated after a full-night’s sleep.

I also will drink water with my lunch and my evening meal to keep myself hydrated, understanding that staying hydrated keeps me focused and more productive throughout the day.

The great thing about water is that you can spruce it up. Add a slice of lemon. Toss in some fresh mint. Maybe cucumber slices. So many possibilities!

Review Your Schedule

I’ve talked about this before, but each night before bed I write down the most important tasks I need to work on the next morning.

Then first thing (after my glass of water, of course) each morning before I start my day, I glance over my list to get an overview of what I need to do during the day.

Then, I can prioritize each item based on my very colorfully-coded calendar.

If you are looking for some inspiration on time blocking, check out Cindy Bidar’s latest podcast : “How to Use Time Blocking to Get Stuff Done”. Cindy is a master at this!

Create a Morning Routine

Set up a morning routine for your self-care. This is totally personalized to each person, based on your needs.

You can start with a shower, make your bed, get dressed, eat breakfast, etc.

You may also want to add meditation, do some yoga, or maybe even journaling into your morning routine.

Photo credit: Chicago French Press

Those are some of my own routine: drink my glass of water, do my morning stretches for my back, brush my teeth, shower and dress for the day, make the bed.

And finally make my first cup of magic bean water a.k.a. coffee. As my friends at Chicago French Press say: Coffee beans magically turn into a life-changing potion everyday!

Then I head into my office to start my day, starting with that task list!

Monitor Your Nutrition

Another way to become more productive is to eat properly.  As I have said before, I am not a doctor. But I do understand the importance of proper nutrition.

I would love to eat like that 14-year-old girl with her sugar-based cereal again. That sugar high, though will lead to a sugar crash a couple hours later for me, the NOT-14-year-old-girl.

I also know that too much pasta and/or bread make me lethargic.

Talk about unproductive.

You know what foods work best for you – do that.

For me, fruits give me a natural boost. With summer coming (YAY), that will mean early Wednesday morning starts as I head out to the farmer’s market where I grab loads of fruits and veggies to give me that natural boost.

Another trick I found is prepping food in advance to make it easy to stick to whatever plan you come up with.

It also makes for a less stressful meal-planning time each day if you have a super busy day and find yourself short on meal-prep time!

Develop a Positive Mindset

Find ways to look at the positive aspects of your life. When you have a positive mindset or outlook, it tends to strengthen your motivation.

And I get that with everything going on in the world and around you today, that it is sometimes easier said than done to keep a positive mindset.

Developing a positive mindset can help boost productivity.

One of the biggest ways I have found to stay positive is to distance myself from the news.

I have greatly reduced my time on social media. We don’t even watch the evening news, something both my husband and I grew up with with our parents. If you are reading this and you know my Dad, mum’s the word! (Wink)

Now that is not to say that we do not know what is going on in the world. We simply reduce our exposure to it all.

I have to admit, since we stopped watching and reading and listening to the news as much, both our mindsets have become much more positive!

Celebrate Your Victories

When you are successful and accomplish something, find a way to celebrate, no matter how small the victory.

One of my rewards for completing a task is (no surprise) …a fresh cup of coffee. When I am working from my colorful calendar and its time blocks, once I complete a task, I’ll refresh my cup.

This also gives me a chance to get up and stretch my back after sitting through that task so that it doesn’t put a damper on my positive energy.

Find something that motivates you. Something that will give you that motivation to complete a task. Then celebrate your win!

Segment Your Workday

Don’t work all the time. This is especially important if you work for yourself. The work never seems to end.

Set specific hours for your workday. Stick to these hours at least 80 percent of the time.

Keep in mind that being flexible is important. Sometimes working hard is going to be required, but it’s not required every single day.

I am getting better at this. And while I might have a client text me in the evening, if it’s not an emergency, it goes on my task list for the next morning (see how I tied that in from earlier?).

Well, there you have it, Gina’s coffee-induced thoughts on boosting your productivity through daily routines!

If you have some other ideas on boosting productivity or daily routines, drop them in the comments below. I would love to hear yours!

For my fellow small business owners, if you are interested in ways that working with a Freelance Administrator can help put more time in your day and boost your productivity, drop me a message over at

Until next time my friends, stay safe, positive and productive!

5 Ways to Streamline Your Daily Schedule and Increase Efficiency When Working from Home

5 Ways to Streamline Your Daily Schedule and Increase Efficiency When Working from Home

Do you wish you could streamline your schedule and increase your efficiency when working from home? Do you frequently feel like there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you need to do?

Welcome back to GinAdmin where today, me and my sidekicks (my pupper and my always-on-hand cup of coffee) are going to share some ideas that work for me in streamlining my day to work more efficiently.

So, grab your favorite beverage and have a quick read.

As hard as it is, we must do things when we need to.

Otherwise, they don’t get done at all. Or we find ourselves having to do them when we truly don’t have the time TO do them.

Then it seems something else has to be put off.

If you’re like me, when a project has a deadline, it is important to devote all of my undivided attention to it, or it won’t get completed. Time management is a critical aspect of every job – from planning to executing.

I have found that my schedule needs to be structured to support efficiency and productivity to reach my goals.

So, if you’ve ever felt like you need to streamline your daily schedule to work more efficiently, here are some tips are for you:

Check your existing workflows and processes.

Ask yourself these questions:

Are my workflows or processes efficient?

Do certain things take too much time or space to complete?

Are there things you can do to either eliminate steps or streamline your workflow?

Assessing current workflows is essential in improving productivity.

No process is perfect; there’s always room to improve. Ben Mulholland

For example, do you need to complete specific tasks in a particular order or time? If so, then building your schedule with the tasks in the order you need to complete them will help you work more efficiently.

If you don’t need to do certain activities in the order you listed them, simply reorder them to streamline your work.

I do this with each task. At the end of every day, I review my current projects and list the priorities for the next day to keep me on track and complete those projects on time.

Rank your processes.

Once you know your current workflows, you can rank them in terms of both the amount of time they take to complete and the extent to which they streamline your typical workflow.

I recommend using a scale of 1 to 5, depending on how time-consuming a process is and how much it changes your routine.

If it takes less than five minutes, you can probably combine it with another task in your workflow.

Turn off your notifications.  

Turning off notifications will help you work more efficiently!

Notifications in apps can be great when you want to receive a notice for something important, but when you’re working tasks, they are simply distractions.

Turn off your notifications and focus only on the task at hand so that you don’t end up losing focus.

The truth is, most notifications can wait.

I put news alerts and messages on hold until later and read them as a reward for finishing my tasks. Then I can sit back with my favorite mug and read them without feeling guilty for taking time away from my important tasks.

Tackle the hard stuff first.

If you are trying to jam in as many tasks as you can, chances are you’re not getting much, if anything done.

Or, you might even be the opposite; you’re spending more of your limited time on busywork that you don’t need to do. To help become more productive, I find that it helps to focus on one task at a time and work on that task until I complete it.

If I find myself multitasking, I try focusing instead for a single 30-minute period, taking a quick break (probably grab another cup of coffee) and get back at it. I talked about multitasking before – you can read that here: How to be more productive this week.

Trying to work on more than one task at a time can cause procrastination, which is a whole new level of anxiety. I will take the time to organize my tasks in order of priority so that the most important projects have the first slot in my schedule.

For instance, I tend to procrastinate on tasks that involve creative work, such as writing, brainstorming, and generating ideas. I find that setting aside 15 minutes a day to write helps me make more progress on that task.

Another trick I use is that I do the things I like to do the least first. Otherwise, I’m just dreading that task while I’m doing other things.

Do your work near an excellent natural source of light.  

Add natural light sources to your work area to help you work more efficiently.

A good source of light not only helps you see better, but it also helps you work better. This tip is handy if you work from home.

Those of us who work from home can become dependent on artificial light, leading to eye strain and fatigue. Working in a well-lit area and taking regular breaks away from your desk helps with this.

Watch your natural lighting, though. I have windows behind and next to me. When I’m going to be on a video call, I have to close the blinds and the curtains on those windows, otherwise the lighting is terrible!

And while some days my cup and I aren’t looking our best, the person on the other end of the video wants to see you as you’re talking to them!

Streamlining your schedule and increasing your efficiency will help you focus on what is important throughout the day. Try to limit the number of distractions you have around you.

Now, remember that you might not need to make a complete overhaul of your schedule. Many times, you can make small changes to greatly improve your overall productivity.

One of the best ways to improve your efficiency…you guessed it! Work with a Freelance Admin. We can help you assess and restructure your processes where needed, structure your schedule, and overall make your life easier!

If you try any of these tips, leave me a comment below and let me know how that works out for you. Or if you have other ideas, feel free to share!

And, of course, if you would like to learn more about how a Freelance Admin can help, contact me ~ we can chat over a cup of…yep, coffee, or whatever you beverage of choice is!

Until next time, stay safe my friends!

10 Habits to Help Improve Mindset

10 Habits to Help Improve Mindset

Changing your mindset can help you grow both personally and professionally in achieving your goals.

But do you know what is the number one factor that determines whether or not someone succeeds at achieving a goal?

Is it genetics? Luck? What about skills or natural talent? Hard work has to be in there somewhere, right?

All of these factors are important, some more so than others, but none hold the number one spot.

So, what is number one?

If you guessed mindset, you are right. Mindset is a better predictor of future success than every other factor you can consider, including working hard and natural talent.

Welcome back to GinAdmin. My name is Gina Koran and I, along with my trusty sidekicks (a.k.a. my cup of joe and my pup) will be your host into this journey of changing your mindset to help you grow both personally and professionally, and achieving your goals.

What is a Growth Mindset?

A growth mindset is where you believe in change and improvement.

You believe that your skills and talents can be improved through hard work, practice, and dedication.

You embrace challenges.

People with a growth mindset set challenges as learning and growth opportunities rather than obstacles standing in their way.

They don’t get easily frustrated by failures and roadblocks; they believe these things are to be expected and are a sign that they need to adjust and try again.

I never see failure as failure, but only as a learning experience.

Tom Hopkins

The success of other people is inspiring to people with a growth mindset. They try to figure out how the other person succeeded and how to imitate them. This increases their own odds of success

You’ve heard the old adage “A leopard cannot change its spots”. Well, yes. But you are not a leopard, you are a human being. And we, as humans CAN change our spots!

Mindset is Changeable

Don’t buy into the myth that mindset is static. Not only CAN it change, but it DOES change throughout your life, whether or not you purposely try to change it.

So if your mindset is changing anyway, why not guide these changes and help them along so that you can grow into the best possible version of yourself?

Now, you’re probably asking yourself “HOW can I make these changes?”.

Well guess what…I have some tips. These tips are actually some habits you can create to help you change your mindset into one of growth!

Changing your mindset takes time and work. There’s no magic that will let you do it overnight.

And, of course, you don’t want to do ALL of these!

Pick the ones you think you can do easily and start there. You can always come back later and start on a new one!

So here we go…

Create a morning ritual to get your day off to a good start.

Move your body ~ it can help improve your mindset and ultimately achieve your goals!

What makes you feel best in the mornings?

What can you do to set yourself up for success every day?

Maybe it is journaling over a cup of coffee or going for a morning run.

Maybe it is taking a few minutes to meditate or stretch before you get in the shower.

It might even be something as simple as making your bed before you leave for work.

Figure out a ritual that works for you and prioritize doing it every day.

If you have been with me for a while, you know that running…yeah, probably not going to happen.

But as the weather gets warmer, I will start going walkabout with the pupper. (AND my cup of coffee!). This gets my blood flowing and sets me up for a good day of good old-fashioned work!

Reflect on your day.

Every night before you go to bed, take a moment to reflect on your day.

What went right?

What didn’t and how can you make it go right tomorrow?

Did you get done what you wanted to do? Why or why not?

What can you do to make sure tomorrow goes well?

I mentioned in a previous article that my best tool is my very colorful calendar.

Every morning before I start my day, I look over my calendar and have a snapshot of what I need to accomplish.

This also helps clear my brain most nights so that I can rest knowing that tomorrow is already laid out for me.

You can read that article here to get more ideas on how I use my calendar: .

Practice gratitude daily.

Find at least one thing you can be grateful for every day. There are ALWAYS some good things in life you can be grateful for.

Stop and be thankful for them every day.

This only takes a few seconds and can be done any time of the day!

Always be working towards a goal

Big or small, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you always have a goal you’re striving for that makes you stretch and challenge yourself.

When you reach one goal, move on to another.

If you’re headed to a city you’ve never traveled to before, your journey will be more efficient and effective if you have a detailed road map to guide your travel.

John Boitnott
Entrepreneur contributor

Break big goals down into subgoals that will help you see quick progress.

Start journaling

Use prompts to write a journal entry about your mindset 2-3 times a week. Or free write and see what comes out.

You don’t need a fancy journal; a pen and a sheet of paper or a notebook are all you need.

You can write about literally anything – what did you see the crazy barn cats doing on your morning walkabout with the pupper?

What funny story did your kids or your best friend tell you today that gave you a chuckle?

Remember…this is YOUR place to just let the words fly!

Eat healthy foods.

Fueling your body and your mind can help your mindset.

Food is fuel for the body and the mind. What you eat affects how much energy you have, how well you can focus, and your overall mood.

So, a couple disclaimers here.

First, I am NOT a dietitian! I bring this point up because I know that personally, if I eat a lot of carbs, I’m going to be sluggish and not really accomplish much.

That being said, I have a plaque on my desk that reads “I’m a woman of many moods and they all require Chocolate”.

And to quote a friend of mine…”just sayin’”.

The key for me is that I know my body and what it needs to function productively.

Start an exercise habit.

Exercise is good for you in so many ways and has profound, positive effects on your mindset as well.

You don’t need to train for a marathon (shudder). Maybe go for a walk, go swimming, take up yoga or another gentle workout like tai chi, or do anything else that appeals to you.

ANY exercise will help you improve your mindset.

I find that by simply doing some stretches and going walkabout, I’m more energized and my brain just functions better.

Prioritize sleep.

Nothing makes you feel better than a good night’s sleep. And nothing makes you feel worse than a bad one.

Most people today are chronically sleep-deprived. If you want to cultivate a growth mindset, don’t be one of them.

Prioritize getting a good night’s sleep every night.

And again with the disclaimer…I am not a doctor. Do what is best for you, your body and your brain.

Take regular breaks from social media.

Social media is fun and lets you connect with friends, but it has a downside.

It is easy to get drawn into that video of the dog doing tricks, like fetching its owner a beverage. From the neighbor’s fridge.

I have started to set an alarm when I pop into my social media. If I don’t, there I sit…watch videos of things that are keeping me from being productive.

I have also started “saving” posts so I can go back to them in the evening, AFTER my work is done and I am relaxing. Then I can binge dog videos to my heart’s content!

Get your creative on – doing something creative can help improve your mindset!

Do something creative.

Creativity is one of the most necessary, yet often neglected aspects of being a well-round person.

The challenge involved in it will make you grow and improve your mindset.

Aim to do something creative every day, or at least several times a week. Write, color, paint, draw, play a musical instrument -the options are endless.

And there you have the 10 habits I found for changing your mindset to help you grow both personally and professionally, and achieving your goals.

None of these habits are magic. They won’t change your mindset overnight.

What they will do is support you and help you along on your journey. They will motivate you to keep going when things get tough and to feel your best.

That will help you cultivate your growth mindset. It may not be magic, but it sure is helpful!

I would love to hear your ideas on changing your mindset (IF you need to make a change, that is) to a growth mindset.

And if you try any of these ideas, pop back in and let me know how it goes!

How to be more productive this week

How to be more productive this week

There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of How-to Coaches out there. Coaches that will teach you how to do everything from how to set up your office for better efficiency to, you guessed it…how to be more productive. So today, I’m going to share with you some ideas that have worked for me.

Welcome to, or back to, the GinAdmin Blog. My name is Gina Koran and I’ll be your host on this journey into How to be More Productive. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and see what insight my coffee-fueled brain can share with you!

Okay, so how CAN you be more productive this week?

You can spend a lot of time doing things that add little to no value to your life or your business and are just plain busy work.

OR you can plan your week to be more productive and useful than you ever thought possible.

Sounds great, but exactly how do you do that?

Here’s what I do. My coach, Tawnya Sutherland at  coaches her VA Insiders to set aside a 3-hour block of time EVERY week to work on our OWN businesses.

So “My Business Time” is Saturday morning from 9am to noon. During those three hours, I look first at my goals, then the things I need to do next to achieve them.

Those tasks get added to my calendar based on my goals and objectives for the week. I even go so far as to list each action that needs to be taken for the final result I’m looking for so that I don’t get caught up in a bottleneck or roadblock.

Or worse, get sucked down a rabbit hole and spend hours looking up recipes for snickerdoodles. Anyone else guilty of this? No? Just me?

Are there tasks on your list that someone else can do for you and free up some of your time?

Are you spending a lot of time doing tasks that aren’t directly related to money-making tasks for your business? You know what I’m talking about – posting to social media, responding to comments on your posts, writing blog posts…all those tasks take up valuable time!

One of the items on my list (this one is more personal, but it’s time-consuming and eats into my own business time) is menu planning. Those of you who plan and cook meals for your family will understand the pain of figuring out every single day what to feed your household. Can I get an “Amen”?

This task is outsourced in my house. Sort of. Basically, if  I ask “what’s for dinner tonight” and there’s no response, you’re getting either leftovers or breakfast. Simple, fast, but still nutritious.

So, think about turning those tasks over to someone who can do them for you to save time, time that you can spend on tasks that get you closer to those goals! Someone like, say a Freelance Admin (wink).

3 tips to help you be more productive based on some of my own experiences.

3 tips to be more productive

The Hive Team over at have written an awesome article about productivity. In this article, they found that “…research suggests that in an eight-hour workday, the average worker is only productive for two hours and 53 minutes. That leaves a lot of room for improvement”.

“…research suggests that in an eight-hour workday, the average worker is only productive for two hours and 53 minutes. That leaves a lot of room for improvement”.

When you want to get more done in a day, the best thing you have going for you is a good plan based on smart goals. I find that I can do better by following these three tips.

Tip #1: Set Daily Goals and Objectives

Work with a long-term plan to create your medium-term and short-term plans and actions. If you plan right, you’ll be able to set daily goals and objectives that allow you to finish any project or task on time. Start with the result you want, a time you want the result, and then work your way backward in your calendar to today, planning small actions that will lead to the result you want.

I learned this idea ages ago, possibly even before my military days. You’ve heard the old saying “Start with the end in mind”. What’s the goal? Now work your way backwards to today and you’ll have the steps you need to take to reach it!

Tip #2: Remove Distractions

It’s also important to achieving your goals to avoid and remove distractions that take you away from the schedule you set for yourself.

My own calendar looks like a kindergartener got ahold of a crayon. Each day has tasks, reminders and appointments listed in different colors based on what that task pertains to.

By listing my daily steps in my calendar and taking away anything that will interrupt me during the day, I can be sure to achieve each task and get me one step closer to my goal.

Tip #3: Stick to Deadlines and Timelines

Setting a realistic timeline and deadline requires you to know how long it takes you to do things and what is happening with the rest of your schedule. If you schedule everything you need to do, including personal tasks, it’s going to be much easier to set and stick to realistic timelines and deadlines.

This is probably THE hardest part. At least for me. There are so many shiny objects to distract us and so many other tasks that have to be done each day, that it’s easy to go off course.

One of the ways I combat this is, again with the calendar…I block time throughout the day to work on my tasks. If it’s a big goal, then I break it down to working maybe 90 minutes every day. I try not to go beyond that because being human, my attention span only allows me about that amount of time before I look for those shiny objects to distract me!

Speaking of time blocking, that’s a big part of this next area:

What IS time management and how does it relate to being more productive?

When we talk about time management, we’re not really talking about managing time as much as we’re talking about managing the schedule you set for yourself, ensuring you have enough time and energy to do what needs to be done in that timeframe.

This requires that you understand how long it takes you to accomplish the task, knowing how to do the task right, which technology or equipment you need and that you have the right resources to get it done. All of this requires planning.

Here again, I defer to my colorful calendar. I know every morning when I sit down at my computer EXACTLY what has to be done today to move me another step forward toward my goals.

Can you…

How often does someone call or stop you if you’re out and about and ask you for a favor? My husband is famous for poking his head in my office with a “Hey, can you do me a quick favor?”. Sometimes I shoo him out, especially if I’m in the middle of a project or task. But, since I live with him, mostly I say sure.

I’ll ask you here: “Hey, can you do me a quick favor?”. When someone comes to you with new things to add to your schedule, don’t just say yes automatically.

First, tell them you’ll check your calendar.

Then check your schedule but also check your mind to find out if you really want to do it or not.

Only say yes if you CAN actually fit it in, even if you think you want to do it.

The great thing about being a business owner and being your own boss is it lets you say YES to more of the things you’d like to do and turn over the rest to someone who likes to do the things you don’t!

MULTI-TASKING: Is it keeping you from being more productive?

If you’ve ever read job advertisements, you probably see them asking for “natural multitaskers” or “good multitaskers” as if this is a good thing to be. The problem is that scientifically, you cannot truly multitask. No one can. As a human, you can only truly focus on one thing at a time.

Scientifically multitasking is a myth and actually does not help you to be more productive!

A person who multitasks might get by and do a good enough job, but if they really focused, they’d do better. Studies show that multitasking reduces productivity, increases stress, and it’s not realistically possible.

I found this quote, which made me laugh because it’s so completely me that I might just put it up on my office wall:

“Multitasking is the ability to screw everything up simultaneously.” ~Jeremy Clarkson

I’ve gone away from trying to multitask myself. I found that those studies were dead-on for me: I was stressed out because I never felt like I was accomplishing anything and was driving my productivity down. Once I started focusing on one task at a time, I was a much happier me!

Now, while multitasking may be a productivity myth, you can still have more than one project going at a time. Consider working with a Freelance Admin. Our job is to work with you to take some of those tasks off your hands so you can focus on the bigger picture of your business.

Okay, so here is my disclaimer:

You have to do what works best for YOU. These are the things that work best for me in my own business and in my own life. If they work for you, then my goal has been achieved, which is why I share my coffee-induced “wisdom” with you!

Bottom line: We all have enough time to get things done, if we know and implement the ways that work best for us to achieve our goals. A great option if you find yourself not having enough time in your day to complete the tasks you need to in order to achieve your goals, is to work with a Freelance Admin. We’re good at taking those tasks, freeing up your time so that you can do what you love!

I’d love to hear from you – what tasks could you outsource that would benefit you and your business and help you achieve your goals? Leave me a comment!

And if you’d like to know what GinAdmin can do to make your life easier, hit me up and let’s chat! Head on over to my contact page and send me a message!