7 Essential Steps to Prepare for an Amazing New Year

7 Essential Steps to Prepare for an Amazing New Year

We are closing in on the end of 2023. Here are 7 essential steps to prepare for an amazing new year.

Now is the time to start preparing yourself and your business for the new year.

Yes, I said it.




In her email last month, Cindy Bidar talked about how NOW is the time to start looking towards 2024.

Why now?

Because, as Cindy says, the holidays are coming up and we tend to get ourselves wrapped up in preparation and celebrating and before you know it, BAM…it is the new year.

Cindy talks about how she is starting to plan out her 2024 now, and that is a good reminder for all of us to start preparing now.

Here are some 7 essential steps to prepare for an amazing new year to help get you moving toward 2024.

1. Reflect on the Past Year

Take some time to look back on the past year and reflect on your accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned.

Consider what worked well and what could have been improved.

It really is only by understanding where you’ve been that you can better determine where you want to go.

2. Identify Areas of Growth and Improvement

We are all constantly improving and growing.

As a business owner, it is important to identify the areas where we can continue to grow and improve, whether personally or professionally.

Professional Development

Assess your skills and knowledge in your field.

Seek opportunities for growth and improvement, such as courses, workshops, or conferences.

For example, last month I attended Tawnya Sutherland’s VAVS Summit and gained valuable tips, tricks and information from the spectacular line-up of speakers Tawnya always puts together.

Look for these opportunities in your field and invest in your own education!

Personal Growth

Reflect on your personal life and relationships.

Identify areas where you can grow, whether it’s improving communication skills or fostering better self-care habits.

Health and Well-being

Evaluate your physical and mental health.

Take steps to improve your well-being, such as adopting healthier habits or seeking support from professionals.

3. Set SMART Goals for the New Year

SMART is an acronym for how best to set your goals.


Set clear and specific goals that define what you want to achieve.

Avoid vague or general statements.


Create goals that can be measured and tracked, so you can monitor your progress and make adjustments if needed.


Ensure your goals are realistic and attainable, considering your resources, time, and capabilities.


Make sure your goals align with your values, priorities, and aspirations.

They should be meaningful to you.


Set deadlines or timeframes for your goals to create a sense of urgency and help you stay focused.

If you follow this formula, you will find that your goals will be very clear and concise, making it easier for you to actually achieve them.

4. Create an Action Plan

It may sound simple, but how can you get where you are going without a plan?

I always think about taking a trip when setting my goals.

Can I get from home to where I want to go and back again without a defined route?


However, if I have a plan, I find that it just makes it easier to find my way there and back.

Here are some steps to help you create your plan of action.

Follow these 3 steps to create your action plan for the new year!

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Clearly state what you want to achieve with each goal.

Be specific and break them down into smaller tasks.

If I want to drive from the East coast to the West, I obviously am not just going to drive that in one shot.

I am going to have to make stops along the way.

Stops along the route=smaller tasks.

Step 2: Identify Actions and Resources

List the specific actions you need to take to reach your objectives.

Identify the resources you’ll need along the way.

I might determine where the best places are to stop between East and West coasts.

Rest stops, gasoline, etc.

And some type of guidance, whether an old-fashioned map or my GPS.

Step 3: Set Priorities and Deadlines

Arrange your tasks in order of importance and establish deadlines for each one.

This will help you stay organized and focused.

Unless you have unlimited time on your hands to travel from East to West, you will need to establish how long you will be gone.

Then determine when you need to be at each location as well as your destination before starting the return journey.

These 3 steps will help you, regardless of the goal, get you to where you want to end up.

5. Establish Accountability Measures

“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.”

– Bob Proctor

It is easy enough to set a goal.

It is not always so easy to hold yourself accountable, so you will want to find ways to track your progress and stay motivated.

Consider involving a trusted friend, mentor, or coach who can provide support, guidance, and hold you accountable to your goals.

6. Practice Self-Care

Make your well-being a priority.

Take care of your physical, emotional, and mental health.

Engage in activities that bring you joy, manage stress, and recharge your batteries.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

7. Celebrate Successes Along the Way

Take time to celebrate the milestones and successes you achieve throughout the year.

Reward yourself for your hard work and progress made.

And share your wins with others.

Invite those who have supported you on your journey to celebrate your wins together.

Their encouragement and acknowledgment will fuel your motivation!

As we head toward the holidays and the end of the year, start preparing yourself for next year with these 7 essential steps to prepare for an amazing new year.

You will find that the holidays will be much more enjoyable when you are not thinking in the back of your mind about what you need to plan for next year while you are celebrating with friends and family.

And as always, if I can be of any assistance, please just drop me a message.

I am happy to help in any way!