If you are like me, as a small business owner/entrepreneur, your daily routine is key to your productivity. Today, I am sharing 7 ways to help boost your productivity with daily routines.

Welcome back to GinAdmin. I’m your host, Gina Koran and as always, I’m pleased you chose to spend a few minutes of your busy day with me as I share my coffee-induced thoughts with you. So grab your cup…

Many of the things we do each day to reach our goals can be achieved by creating small routines or daily habits that you perform without even thinking about it each day.

By making your actions routine and, more importantly, a habit, you will find you get more done and not feel like you are always working.

Get Hydrated

Starting off the day hydrated will boost your energy and make it more likely that you get your tasks completed.

Staying hydrated keeps you focused and boosts productivity throughout the day.
Staying hydrated keeps you focused and boosts productivity throughout the day.

Even yours truly, a self-proclaimed coffee addict, I start my day with at least one glass of water. And while I might joke that I drink that glass of water to clean my palate before I start my coffee IV, it is truly to get myself hydrated after a full-night’s sleep.

I also will drink water with my lunch and my evening meal to keep myself hydrated, understanding that staying hydrated keeps me focused and more productive throughout the day.

The great thing about water is that you can spruce it up. Add a slice of lemon. Toss in some fresh mint. Maybe cucumber slices. So many possibilities!

Review Your Schedule

I’ve talked about this before, but each night before bed I write down the most important tasks I need to work on the next morning.

Then first thing (after my glass of water, of course) each morning before I start my day, I glance over my list to get an overview of what I need to do during the day.

Then, I can prioritize each item based on my very colorfully-coded calendar.

If you are looking for some inspiration on time blocking, check out Cindy Bidar’s latest podcast : “How to Use Time Blocking to Get Stuff Done”. Cindy is a master at this!

Create a Morning Routine

Set up a morning routine for your self-care. This is totally personalized to each person, based on your needs.

You can start with a shower, make your bed, get dressed, eat breakfast, etc.

You may also want to add meditation, do some yoga, or maybe even journaling into your morning routine.

Photo credit: Chicago French Press

Those are some of my own routine: drink my glass of water, do my morning stretches for my back, brush my teeth, shower and dress for the day, make the bed.

And finally make my first cup of magic bean water a.k.a. coffee. As my friends at Chicago French Press say: Coffee beans magically turn into a life-changing potion everyday!

Then I head into my office to start my day, starting with that task list!

Monitor Your Nutrition

Another way to become more productive is to eat properly.  As I have said before, I am not a doctor. But I do understand the importance of proper nutrition.

I would love to eat like that 14-year-old girl with her sugar-based cereal again. That sugar high, though will lead to a sugar crash a couple hours later for me, the NOT-14-year-old-girl.

I also know that too much pasta and/or bread make me lethargic.

Talk about unproductive.

You know what foods work best for you – do that.

For me, fruits give me a natural boost. With summer coming (YAY), that will mean early Wednesday morning starts as I head out to the farmer’s market where I grab loads of fruits and veggies to give me that natural boost.

Another trick I found is prepping food in advance to make it easy to stick to whatever plan you come up with.

It also makes for a less stressful meal-planning time each day if you have a super busy day and find yourself short on meal-prep time!

Develop a Positive Mindset

Find ways to look at the positive aspects of your life. When you have a positive mindset or outlook, it tends to strengthen your motivation.

And I get that with everything going on in the world and around you today, that it is sometimes easier said than done to keep a positive mindset.

Developing a positive mindset can help boost productivity.
Developing a positive mindset can help boost productivity.

One of the biggest ways I have found to stay positive is to distance myself from the news.

I have greatly reduced my time on social media. We don’t even watch the evening news, something both my husband and I grew up with with our parents. If you are reading this and you know my Dad, mum’s the word! (Wink)

Now that is not to say that we do not know what is going on in the world. We simply reduce our exposure to it all.

I have to admit, since we stopped watching and reading and listening to the news as much, both our mindsets have become much more positive!

Celebrate Your Victories

When you are successful and accomplish something, find a way to celebrate, no matter how small the victory.

One of my rewards for completing a task is (no surprise) …a fresh cup of coffee. When I am working from my colorful calendar and its time blocks, once I complete a task, I’ll refresh my cup.

This also gives me a chance to get up and stretch my back after sitting through that task so that it doesn’t put a damper on my positive energy.

Find something that motivates you. Something that will give you that motivation to complete a task. Then celebrate your win!

Segment Your Workday

Don’t work all the time. This is especially important if you work for yourself. The work never seems to end.

Set specific hours for your workday. Stick to these hours at least 80 percent of the time.

Keep in mind that being flexible is important. Sometimes working hard is going to be required, but it’s not required every single day.

I am getting better at this. And while I might have a client text me in the evening, if it’s not an emergency, it goes on my task list for the next morning (see how I tied that in from earlier?).

Well, there you have it, Gina’s coffee-induced thoughts on boosting your productivity through daily routines!

If you have some other ideas on boosting productivity or daily routines, drop them in the comments below. I would love to hear yours!

For my fellow small business owners, if you are interested in ways that working with a Freelance Administrator can help put more time in your day and boost your productivity, drop me a message over at www.GinAdmin.com/#contact.

Until next time my friends, stay safe, positive and productive!